Thursday, October 4, 2012

September 25

We're in Washington now and zooming through. From the moment we stepped across the Bridge of the Gods, it's been breathtaking views and exhilarating climbs. Today we got to the Mt. Adams Wilderness where there is a 14,000 acre fire burning. The trail was closed along the entire wilderness, 22 trail miles. We had to decide whether to road walk an unspecified number of of miles to where the trail was open at Potato Hill or hitch around it. With the other fires, we've either pushed on through the trail or hitched around, knowing that we want to see all of the trail and not a road. We will come back to complete these sections. This one was a tougher decision because the snow will hit this area earlier than Northern California and our window of opportunity to finish it this year could close. We decided that, either way, we really want to come back to climb around on beautiful Mt. Adams, so we stuck out our thumbs. A nice couple from Tacoma picked us up and were so nice that they took us around sightseeing to see the fire near a full view of the peak, an incredible lake (Taklak?) that had a full mirror postcard mirror-image of the mountain on it, and also suggested that we come back to Muddy Meadows when it opens up. They dropped us off at Potato Hill and were on our merry way, enjoying blue skies and sunlight. We've been really lucky with weather, so far. When we crossed the "Now entering Goat Rocks Wilderness" sign, the sound that echoed through the forest was something like "Woo-hoo-hoo-HOO-hoo-hoo." Dancing like kids on Xmas morning. We climbed up to a most beautiful ridge in time to see a fog roll in. Yuh-oh. Hoping the weather holds out for our goat rocks experience. Super excited for the Knife's Edge tomorrow. Now, we're nestled in bed listening to the Elk make their calls. It's a strange and beautiful sound. Loving every moment out here. Reflecting on what it will be like when we finish. Making our way to White Pass.

Dana "Doe Eyes"

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